P.O. Box 3050 - E-08201 Sabadell (SPAIN) | Tel. +32 28080796 - +39 06916506382 | E-mail: eurao@eurao.org

EURAO at HAM RADIO exhibition in Friedrichshafen again

After the worst moments of the pandemic, it is time to return to the German exhibition. So, EURAO will once again have a booth (A1-994), beside CISAR (A1-990), at HAM RADIO 2023 (June 23-25) to attend members, friends and visitors, listening opinions and sharing experiences. We are looking forward to your visit!


Amateur Radio News...

EURAO celebrated WTISD 2023 with ITU nuevo

WTISD 2023 17 May is the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD).

The theme of this year is: "Empowering the least developed countries through information and communication tech­no­logies".

Invited by ITU, EURAO participated remotely in this event. More info on the WTISD dedicated website.

EURAO General Assembly 2023: in two steps nuevo

Online Assembly The scheduled date for this year's EURAO formal General Assembly is: Wednesday evening, June 28, 2023, at 19:00 CEST (17:00 UTC), that will be held virtually using the Google Meet platform, as in the last editions. Those interested in participating, ask for the link.

However, those attending the HAM RADIO exhibition will have the opportunity for a first live exchange of impressions.

Newsletter issue: 2023-06-01
EURAO is stakeholder of:

Conosci a noi membri
  • CISAR: Centro Italiano di Sperimentazione ed Attività Radiantistiche (Italy)
  • FEDI-EA: Federación Digital EA (Spain)
  • VRA: Vlaamse RadioAmateurs (Belgium)
  • UFRC: Union Francophone des Radio Clubs (Belgium)
  • FeRaCat: Federació de Radio­afi­cio­nats de Catalunya (Spain)
  • RCL: Radioamador Clube de Loulé (Portugal)
  • ARRLx: Associação de Radio­ama­dores da Região de Lisboa (Portugal)
  • LigaCBR: Liga Española de Asociaciones CB y Radio­aficionados (Spain)
  • RFDX: Romeo Foxtrot International DX Club (The Netherlands)
  • NRSI: National Radio Society of Ireland
  • 773RG: 773 Radio Group (Italy)
  • ARLC: Associação de Radioamadores da Linha de Cascais (Portugal)
  • ARS: Asociatia RadioStiinta (Romania)
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