P.O. Box 3050 - E-08201 Sabadell (SPAIN) | Tel. +32 28080796 - +39 06916506382 | E-mail: eurao@eurao.org

EURAO on Facebook groups in several languages: en, es, it, pt

EURAO groups on Facebook

In English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese you can find on Facebook EURAO groups where to share activities, technical experiences, doubts and comments about amateur radio.

Just click on your preferred language above to access the group of your choice.

Amateur Radio News...

EURAO for Ukraine nuevo

Ukraine Volunteer members of the European Radio Amateurs' Organization are helping Ukrainian residents from their respective countries, starting with the transfer from the Romanian border and continuing through the passage or reception in other European countries such as Italy or Spain.

From the first needs of water, food or warm clothing, to accommodation or paperwork for their stay in the country of destination, they are accompanied by these volunteers.

If you want to contribute in any way to this collective and selfless effort, you can contact them through: forukraine@eurao.org.

Thanks in advance for your solidarity and true ham spirit!

EURAO General Assembly 2022: on July 2, virtual again nuevo

Online Assembly The scheduled date for this year's EURAO General Assembly is: Saturday, July 2, 2022, at 17:00 CEST (15:00 UTC).

All members are invited to participate. Remember that only associations have the right to vote according to the Statutes.

As in the last editions, it will be held virtually using the Google Meet platform. If you are interested in participating, ask for the link.

Newsletter issue: 2022-06-01
EURAO is stakeholder of:

Conosci a noi membri
  • CISAR: Centro Italiano di Sperimentazione ed Attività Radiantistiche (Italy)
  • FEDI-EA: Federación Digital EA (Spain)
  • VRA: Vlaamse RadioAmateurs (Belgium)
  • UFRC: Union Francophone des Radio Clubs (Belgium)
  • FeRaCat: Federació de Radio­afi­cio­nats de Catalunya (Spain)
  • RCL: Radioamador Clube de Loulé (Portugal)
  • ARRLx: Associação de Radio­ama­dores da Região de Lisboa (Portugal)
  • LigaCBR: Liga Española de Asociaciones CB y Radio­aficionados (Spain)
  • RFDX: Romeo Foxtrot International DX Club (The Netherlands)
  • NRSI: National Radio Society of Ireland
  • 773RG: 773 Radio Group (Italy)
  • ARLC: Associação de Radioamadores da Linha de Cascais (Portugal)
  • ARS: Asociatia RadioStiinta (Romania)
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