P.O. Box 3050 - E-08201 Sabadell (SPAIN) | Tel. +32 28080796 - +39 06916506382 | E-mail: eurao@eurao.org

European Radio Amateur Card for hams, SWLs and CB users

EURAO membership card With any kind of EURAO membership you can get this wonderful card. It includes: your callsign or callsings, your full name and picture, the logo of your favourite club or association, and a lot of benefits and services to enjoy.

Members of EURAO associations and clubs&groups can download easyly the card from the web. The only requirement is that association or club provide some data of their members before.

Each member can upload his preferred picture that will appear on the card. Proportion must be 3:4, portrait. The size of the file must be less than 500 KB in jpg format.

On the back side there is a text in three languages explaining briefly what the membership is about. The first language is English. The second one is chosen by the association. And the third is chosen by the member.

Individual members receive the card plasticized at home. But the most important thing is not seen, it is lived. Join EURAO, the most open and global amateur radio community.

renew EURAO member
Amateur Radio News...

FT8 Party: a great success!!! nuevo

EURAO Award For the last EURAO Party, the one in Autumn 2017, devoted to "FT8, a brand new mode", we have received more logs than ever: 24, including 1614 QSOs in 10 bands, from 12 countries in 3 continents.

The second one was in Autumn 2014 with the motto "be digital, explore 30m", co-organized with the 30 Meter Digital Group, when we received 21 logs with 661 QSOs in 17 modes, from 12 countries in 2 continents.

Certificates of Participation for all participants are ready for download now at the Party website.

EURAO Boulevard again at HAM RADIO 2018 in Friedrichshafen new

Ham Radio The German exhibition changes dates again: this year on 1-3 June. EURAO, as usual, will have a booth and, with some of its member associations, will form a common space, the EURAO Boulevard, where interact in a multi-national environment.

Agenda includes: technical meetings, General Assembly; all day support to members, friends and visitors; tasting experiences, coordination of activities, discussion of new projects, etc.

EUDOTA: Europe Day "on the air" 2018 nuevo

EUDOTA 2013 This year, 9 May is on Wednesday, but we will be active from Friday 4, the whole weekend, with the special callsigns: AO1EU, AO2EU, AO3EU, AO4EU, AO5EU, AO6EU, AO7EU, AO8EU and AO9EU, to commemorate the creation of the EU in 1950.

As usual, special QSL and Award will be available. Contact also valid for the Radio Clubs of the World Award, EANET.

Follow the event through the hashtag: #eudota.

Newsletter issue: 2018-02-15
EURAO, a CEPT stakeholder
Conosci a noi membri
  • CISAR: Centro Italiano di Sperimentazione ed Attività Radiantistiche (Italy)
  • FEDI-EA: Federación Digital EA (Spain)
  • VRA: Vlaamse RadioAmateurs (Belgium)
  • UFRC: Union Francophone des Radio Clubs (Belgium)
  • FeRaCat: Federació de Radio­afi­cio­nats de Catalunya (Spain)
  • RCL: Radioamador Clube de Loulé (Portugal)
  • ARRLx: Associação de Radio­ama­dores da Região de Lisboa (Portugal)
  • LigaCBR: Liga Española de Asociaciones CB y Radio­aficionados (Spain)
  • RFDX: Romeo Foxtrot International DX Club (The Netherlands)
  • NRSI: National Radio Society of Ireland
  • 773RG: 773 Radio Group (Italy)
  • ARLC: Associação de Radioamadores da Linha de Cascais (Portugal)
  • ARS: Asociatia RadioStiinta (Romania)
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