P.O. Box 3050 - E-08201 Sabadell (SPAIN) | Tel. +32 28080796 - +39 06916506382 | E-mail: eurao@eurao.org

At the begining it was... RTTY

RTTY The EURAO Party of this season is devoted to the oldest digital mode of ham radio: RTTY (Radioteletype).

It's a good excuse to find out what these concepts mean: teletype, perforated tape, 5-bit baudot code, 45,45 bauds speed, mark/space, modems, 2.125/2.295Hz, 170Hz shift, FSK, AFSK, etc, and why RYRYRY is the best for tuning.

But nowadays everything is software, so it's time to find the most appropriate program to do RTTY with a soundcard, maybe with an interface which manages PTT, isolates audio input and output, etc.

Also it's an opportunity to learn where RTTY stations are in our bands, having a look to the recommended frequencies of the current Party.

So, let's do RTTY, have fun and good luck with your DX!

Amateur Radio News...

AO3MWC: Mobile World Congress 2016 nuevo

Mobile World Congress 2016 20-28 February this special event station will be on air thanks to Ràdio Club Barcelona, EA3RKB, echoing this first class international event in the mobile world capital.

Week of technology, news and radio. All members can participate actively operating this station, even remote. The contact is also valid for the EANET Award.

Kits for beginners nuevo

EUDOTA 2013 URC, F8URC, decided last year to develop a whole series of simple kits and make them available to all.

Also they created an space in its forum where to share the experience, to track assemblies of each one, to enrich the discussion, to ask questions, etc.

These are the kits available now: mini transceiver CW, TRX SDR 40m and CW decoder based on Arduino.

EUDOTA: Europe Day "on the air" 2016 nuevo

EUDOTA 2013 This year, 9 May is on Monday, but we will be also active the whole weekend 7 and 8 with the special callsigns: AO1EU, AO2EU, AO3EU, AO4EU, AO5EU, AO6EU, AO7EU, AO8EU and AO9EU, to commemorate the creation of the EU in 1950.

As usual, special QSL and Award will be available. Contact also valid for the Radio Clubs of the World Award, EANET.

Follow the event through the hashtag: #eudota.

OT0MIN: Blégny Coal Mine for MAOTA nuevo

Blégny Coal Mine A huge multi-club activity, with the participation of Radio Club Belgradois, UFRC, VRA, URC, EURAO and several OMs coming from England, Germany and Netherland, will be held from Saturday 21 May, 2016, at 09:00 UTC to Sunday 22 May 12:00 UTC in one of the four authentic a coal mines in Europe, located between Liège (BE) and Maastricht (NL), not far away from Germany.

It will be valid for the Mining Areas On The Air Award.

Newsletter issue: 2016-02-15
World Radio Day 2016
Conosci a noi membri
  • CISAR: Centro Italiano di Sperimentazione ed Attività Radiantistiche (Italy)
  • FEDI-EA: Federación Digital EA (Spain)
  • VRA: Vlaamse RadioAmateurs (Belgium)
  • UFRC: Union Francophone des Radio Clubs (Belgium)
  • FeRaCat: Federació de Radio­afi­cio­nats de Catalunya (Spain)
  • RCL: Radioamador Clube de Loulé (Portugal)
  • ARRLx: Associação de Radio­ama­dores da Região de Lisboa (Portugal)
  • LigaCBR: Liga Española de Asociaciones CB y Radio­aficionados (Spain)
  • RFDX: Romeo Foxtrot International DX Club (The Netherlands)
  • NRSI: National Radio Society of Ireland
  • 773RG: 773 Radio Group (Italy)
  • ARLC: Associação de Radioamadores da Linha de Cascais (Portugal)
  • ARS: Asociatia RadioStiinta (Romania)
EURAO, a CEPT stakeholder
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Diploma EANET