EURAO General Assembly 2020: held online
With a participation, in one way or another, of 80%, the General Assembly 2020 of
EURAO was held on Saturday, June 27, via internet.
Of course, it is not the same as face-to-face meetings, but, as long as we have COVID-19 around, virtual meetings are the best solution with the least risk. Our radio-gastronomy section will have to wait a little while... hi hi.
EURAO Radio Amateur Insurance certificate: ready to be downloaded
All subscribers of the EURAO Radio Amateur Insurance can download, since mid July, the personalized Certificate attesting they are
included in the policy underwritten by
with the company AXA France IARD SA, the global coverage of which is up to EUR 9.000.000.
This Certificate, which also includes information on what to do in the event of an incident, is written in several languages, which makes it suitable for those radio amateurs who plan to travel to other countries and have to show it to someone.
The Certificate is downloaded together with the membership card and welcome letter in its usual way.
This service is having great success. Thanks for the good reception!