EURAO now on Telegram
The European Radio Amateurs' Organization now has a channel in Telegram in order to keep members
and supporters informed about its future activities and events. Don't hesitate to join it!
EURAO individual membership now can be a subscription
Of course there is no commitment to stay and at any time members can cancel their subscription. To activate this plan, simply press the subscription button above and follow the steps showed on the screen. That easy!
Swisslog includes EURAO/EuroBureauQSL membership in its last version
This popular log software, Swisslog, includes, since its version 5.99e 25/12/2019, information on whether a callsign is
an EURAO member or an EuroBureauQSL affiliated, where he wishes to receive his QSL cards.
This info, as a result of an online query in XML, facilitates and optimizes the QSL exchange between hams.
For this reason, it is especially important to keep the EURAO membership database up to date by member associations and clubs. So, don't be late!