Global: 2 meters band in danger: CQ solidarity
Mid June
supported an spontaneous protest action against the
proposal of France to kick us out of the popular 2 meters band (144-146 MHz in Europe).
The action objective was: "let's occupy the 2 meter band on Saturday, June 15, 2019, between 20:00 and 21:00 UTC".
The operation was such a success that, not only the band was occupied during that hour, but the threat had an enormous diffusion among the global radio amateurs community.
France: REF and EURAO meeting on 2m crisis
The president of REF, F5DJL, visited the
EURAO booth at HAM RADIO 2019
and met its Secretary-General, EA3CIW, who, a week before, had sent an email offering support and collaboration in the 144-146 MHz affair
before French Administration.
Let's keep in mind that current EURAO HQ is in France.
Both exchanged views and concerns and agreed on the importance of addressing this issue with diligence and trying the maximum consensus.
Belgium: Meeting with BIPT
Both Belgian members of
met with the Belgian Institute for Postal services and Telecommunications (BIPT)
late June and expressed their rejection to the proposal of sharing the use, with aeronautical service, of the 2m band (144-146 MHz),
now allocated to the amateur service on a primary basis. BIPT agreed this position.
Later on a formal letter was sent to BIPT requesting its vote against that proposal at the next CEPT meeting.
Spain: Defending amateur radio before the Ministry
On July 12th, the Spanish EURAO member associations
(FEDI-EA, FeRaCat and LigaCB) met with the people in charge of amateur radio issues
in the Secretariat of State for Digital Progress (SEAD)
to discuss, among other issues, the international threat of losing the 144-146 MHz band.
It is worth noting the good receptivity and harmony of the interlocutors in the main topics: 2m, 50 MHz, etc.
Then the chronicle of the meeting that, by the way, no other association asked for.