International Space Station contact with France
Sponsored by our member association URC, on May this year it will take place a contact between the French ISS astronaut
Thomas Pesquet and several schools in France
[collge Brassens (Saint Venant), collge Cassin (Lillers), lyce Anatole France (Lillers)] and another in USA [Stem (Highlands Ranch)].
As usual, students will ask questions to the astronaut, who will answer them live.
Diploma Carnaval de Loul 2017
Radioamador Clube de Loul organizes this great award to celebrate the oldest Carnival in Portugal.
1-20 February you will find on 10m, 20m, 40m, 80m and 2m the following granting stations: CT1EEC, CT2CRP, CT2GPD, EA7GR, EA7MV, EA4CQR, EA9UV, EA9QD and the club station CS0RCL.
FEDI-EA, 25 years serving amateur radio
Federacin Digital EA, EA3RKF, founder member of EURAO, was founded on July 25, 1992,
coinciding with the inauguration of the Olympic Games in Barcelona, 25 years ago.
Since then, FEDI-EA has consolidated its social project with a lot of adhered clubs around the country, with which organize activities of all kinds, common services for its members and affiliates, and a very intense task of representation before Public Administrations.
Most known by foreign hams is the help to those who settle in Spain to get a licence and an Spanish callsign. Also the EANET, Radio Clubs of the World, Award and Contest is quite famous.