EURAO Party - Winter 2016: let's do RTTY

The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "let's do RTTY". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.

Purpose: to disseminate the oldest mode of digital communications: the Radioteletype (RTTY), to encourage curiosity about what it is and how it works. Also discover that it is fun and you can meet other hams all over the world. Of course also SWLing is welcome.

Date & time: February 27th and 28th, 2016, Saturday and Sunday, 00:00-24:00 UTC.

Bands & modes: these are the recommended frequencies (+/-) for RTTY: 3.590-3.610, 7.040-7.050, 10.142-10.145, 14.080-14.090, 18.100-18.105, 21.080-21.090, 24.920-24.925 and 28.080-28.090 MHz.

Call: "CQ EURAO Party".

Exchange: because this is a QSO event, not a contest, you can talk about whatever you want, in any language, and for as long as you like. Here are some topic suggestions to get the conversation going: name, city, locator, weather, antennas, rigs, etc.

Also talk about QSL interchange. Tell the truth. Say "no, thanks" if you are not interested in QSL cards. But if you would like to have a memory of your contact, feel free to use our EuroBureauQSL (see below).

Logs: for statistic purposes only, we ask participants to submit their logs to in ADIF format, where the filename should be your callsign (e.g. EA3RKF.ADI).

There will be no results or league tables, only statistical information about number of QSOs, countries, callsigns, OMs/YLs/Clubs, etc.

Certificate of Participation: for those sending the log and with a minimum of 10% QSOs confirmed.

EuroBureauQSL: you can use it to interchange QSLs even if you are not member. In this case, just send the QSL to the entry point in the country of the station you have contacted.

About our members...

Radio & Electronics Engineering Club asbl new

REEC REEC, ON4REC, is a Belgian association interested in equipment construction and development of new solutions in the field of amateur radio communications. It manages several repeaters in its country.

It was founded in 2013 and recently has become member association of EURAO.

News in brief
  • ISO 9001:2008 for RSF Hellas: in its training and services.
  • F9AA Trophy 2016: CW on February 6-7, SSB on March 12-13 and PSK on May 7-8, organized by Union des Radio-Clubs, F8URC.
  • 14th Russian WW PSK Contest: on February 20-21, 2016, organized by Russian Digital Radio Club.
  • Ham radio training course in Sardinia: contact IS0SEL [at] or tel. 3701000124.
  • South America 10 meters Contest: on March 12-13, 2016, 24h, CW-SSB.
  • ARR anual meeting: on March 26-28, 2016, in Buzau County (Romania).
  • First DMR repeater in Greece: by RSF Hellas: SW1F, 438.81250 MHz (-7.600), in Attica.
  • CQ ENCE: on April 9, 2016, it will take place the Spanish Emergency Communications Exercise sponsored by the FEDI-EA and Liga CB.
EURAO Newsletter: issue dates
  • February
  • June
  • September
  • December
Image archive
QSLs envelope
International QSL Service.
EuroBureauQSL: entry points
  • Algeria: 7X2JV - Noury B.M. - P.O. Box 87 - Bouarfa 09019 Blida
  • Argentina: LU1MA - CRC - P.O. Box 232 - 5500 Mendoza [web]
  • Belgium: FRA - P.O. Box 393 - B-1000 Brussels 1 [web]
  • Chile: CE3FED - FEDERACHI - P.O. Box 9570 - Santiago 21 [web]
  • Costa Rica: TI2WMP - Waldyn Murillo Prez - P.O. Box 117-1450 - 10601 San Jos [web]
  • France: F8URC - URC - 3 rue Saint Lugle - F-62190 Lillers [web]
  • Greece: HAG - 22, Kassandras Str. - GR-10447 Votanikos - Athens (Attika) [web]
  • India: VU2BK - MHRC - Brahma Kumaris, Shantivan Campus - Dist. Sirohi, 307510 Rajasthan [web]
  • Italy: IT9BCC - Nino Caracci - Via Campobello, 108 - 91022 Castelvetrano
  • Luxembourg: LX1CC - Mill Reiff - 34, rue de la Rsistance - L-3340 Huncherange
  • Portugal: CT1TGM - TRGM - P.O. Box 497 - P-3001-906 Coimbra [web]
  • Romania: YO9KYO - ARR - Str. Stelica Berechet, 23 - RO-087070 Comuna Daia, Judetul Giurgiu
  • Spain and Andorra: EA3RKF - FEDI-EA - P.O. Box 3050 - E-08200 Sabadell (Barcelona) [web]
  • Uruguay: CX3CCC - Radiogrupo Sur - P.O. Box 950 - 11000 Montevideo [web]
  • USA: W2EN - Douglas Rue - 21 Jeffrey Court - Somerville, NJ 08876
  • Venezuela: YV4VV - Radio Club Valencia - P.O. Box 510 - 2001 Valencia, CA [web]
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