Message template for CQ EECE.
The European Radio Amateurs' Organization
announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "climb up to the mountain".
Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.
Purpose: to promote the combination of radio and mountain, hobby and sport, friendship and nature,
because it is healthy, helpful and fun.
Also it is a good opportunity to meet other hams all over the world and share experiences with them.
Of course also SWLing is welcome.
Date & time: September 19th and 20th, 2015, Saturday and Sunday, 00:00-24:00 UTC.
Bands & modes: these are the recommended modes/frequencies (+/-) for mountains:
CW: 7.032, 10.118, 14.064, 18.088, 21.062, 24.906 and 28.062 MHz;
SSB: 7.090, 14.285, 18.130, 21.285, 24.950 and 28.365 MHz; FM: 29.200 and 145.500 MHz.
Tools: Spots,
Call: "CQ EURAO Party".
(read more...)
Amateur Radio News... (cont.)
These special callsigns have been celebrating this year the 10th anniversary of
EURAO (2005-2015),
activated by our member associations in: Romania, ARR;
Belgium, VRA;
and Spain, FEDI-EA; respectively.
In the latter case, moreover, all Spanish hams have been authorized by their PTT to use commemorative special callsigns for one month.
A good recognition for EURAO.
The QSLs of this event will be sent via the EuroBureauQSL.
News in brief
- CISAR's Annual Assembly and Meeting: September 26-27, 2015, in Pordenone, Italy.
Live on its streaming TV channel.
- Jamboree on the Air (JOTA): October 16-18, 2015, annual meeting over the airwaves of Scouts and Guides world wide.
- WRC-15: from November 2 to 27, the World Radiocommunication Conference 2015
will be held in Geneva, Switzerland.
- EANET Sprint Contest 2015: on November 8, 08:00-12:00 UTC, devoted to the
Radio Clubs of the World and organized by FEDI-EA.
- IK2DUW QSL Manager: cards of his clients
are now available via EuroBureauQSL.
EURAO Newsletter: issue dates
- February
- June
- September
- December
Image archive

International QSL Service.
EuroBureauQSL: entry points
- Algeria: 7X2JV - Noury B.M. - P.O. Box 87 - Bouarfa 09019 Blida
- Argentina: LU1MA - CRC - P.O. Box 232 - 5500 Mendoza [web]
- Belgium: FRA - P.O. Box 393 - B-1000 Brussels 1 [web]
- Chile: CE3FED - FEDERACHI - P.O. Box 9570 - Santiago 21 [web]
- Costa Rica: TI2WMP - Waldyn Murillo Pérez - P.O. Box 117-1450 - 10601 San José [web]
- France: F8URC - URC - 162 rue Roger Salengro - F-62330 Isbergues [web]
- Greece: HAG - 22, Kassandras Str. - GR-10447 Votanikos - Athens (Attika) [web]
- India: VU2BK - MHRC - Brahma Kumaris, Shantivan Campus - Dist. Sirohi, 307510 Rajasthan [web]
- Italy: IT9BCC - Nino Caracci - Via Campobello, 108 - 91022 Castelvetrano
- Luxembourg: LX1CC - Mill Reiff - 34, rue de la Résistance - L-3340 Huncherange
- Portugal: CT1TGM - TRGM - P.O. Box 497 - P-3001-906 Coimbra [web]
- Romania: YO9KYO - ARR - Str. Stelica Berechet, 23 - RO-087070 Comuna Daia, Judetul Giurgiu
- Spain and Andorra: EA3RKF - FEDI-EA - P.O. Box 3050 - E-08200 Sabadell (Barcelona) [web]
- Uruguay: CX3CCC - Radiogrupo Sur - P.O. Box 950 - 11000 Montevideo [web]
- USA: W2EN - Douglas Rue - 21 Jeffrey Court - Somerville, NJ 08876
- Venezuela: YY5PEZ - Bernardino Soares - P.O. Box 195, O.P.T. San Juan de los Morros - Estado Guarico - CP 2301