P.O. Box 3050 - E-08201 Sabadell (SPAIN) | Tel. +32 28080796 - +39 06916506382 | E-mail: eurao@eurao.org

EURAO Parties: one year meeting hams and enjoying radio

balloons After more than a year of parties on the air, one in each season, EURAO looks back and sees five editions of this kind of activities:

  • Autumn 2013: make new friends with classical phone
  • Winter 2014: promoting HF Digital Voice
  • Spring 2014: CW still alive and kicking
  • Summer 2014: give youth a chance
  • Autumn 2014: be digital, explore 30m

Recently, we found some time to prepare a pretty simple website that shows statistics of past EURAO Parties, mainly because we felt the pressure of received logs (hi hi).

In the very last party, that on 30m band we organized together with the 30 Meter Digital Group, 21 operators, from 12 countries in 2 continents, sent their logs, which contained 661 QSOs with 389 different stations.

The used modes were: CW, DOMINO, HELL, JT65, JT65A, JT9, MFSK16, PSK, PSK125, PSK31, PSK63, QPSK125, QPSK31, QPSK63, ROS, RTTY and SIM31.

Logs are still welcome for any past party. It doesn't matter if it is quite old. The info they give is worthy of note. Also comments, feedback and ideas for new parties are helpful.

Parties are a good way to promote some aspects of our hobby, either new modes or bands rarely used, or also contacts with specific groups, such as youth, YLs, clubs, etc.

In short, a way to spread the true ham spirit. So participate and enjoy!

Amateur Radio News...

AO3MWC: Mobile World Congress 2015 nuevo

Mobile World Congress 2015 2-5 March, this special event station will be on air from Barcelona, the mobile world capital until 2018.

Ràdio Club Barcelona, EA3RKB, will manage the station, QSL cards via EuroBureauQSL and QSOs for EANET Award.

DBM: Mining Basins Award nuevo

DBM The Union des Radio-Clubs, F8URC, member association of EURAO, announced the creation of this new diploma starting on January 1, 2015.

Its purpose is to discover and promote, through radio contacts, the mining basins and landscapes declared World Heritage Sites by the UNESCO.

To begin with, those of the Northern Region Pas-de-Calais that are already referenced, but any other can be requested to the management committee.

First QSL cards of EA0JC received and forwarded via EuroBureauQSL nuevo

QSLs de EA0JC 2014 With the last EURAO Newsletter of December, were sent to several hams around the world, the first QSLs of EA0JC, the callsign of His Majesty the King Juan Carlos.

This achievement is the result of the agreement reached last year between the Royal Household of His Majesty the King and the Federación Digital EA, the member association of EURAO who manages the entry point of EuroBureauQSL for Spain and Andorra.

Search your logbook and give it a try!

Newsletter issue: 2015-02-15
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EURAO Board 2013-2015
EURAO Board of Directors (full): ON7GZ, President; DG9KBE, Vicepresident; EA3CIW, Secretary-General; and EA3CWZ, Treasurer.
Conosci a noi membri
  • CISAR: Centro Italiano di Sperimentazione ed Attività Radiantistiche (Italy)
  • FEDI-EA: Federación Digital EA (Spain)
  • VRA: Vlaamse RadioAmateurs (Belgium)
  • UFRC: Union Francophone des Radio Clubs (Belgium)
  • FeRaCat: Federació de Radio­afi­cio­nats de Catalunya (Spain)
  • RCL: Radioamador Clube de Loulé (Portugal)
  • ARRLx: Associação de Radio­ama­dores da Região de Lisboa (Portugal)
  • LigaCBR: Liga Española de Asociaciones CB y Radio­aficionados (Spain)
  • RFDX: Romeo Foxtrot International DX Club (The Netherlands)
  • NRSI: National Radio Society of Ireland
  • 773RG: 773 Radio Group (Italy)
  • ARLC: Associação de Radioamadores da Linha de Cascais (Portugal)
  • ARS: Asociatia RadioStiinta (Romania)
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