AO3MWC: Mobile World Congress 2015
2-5 March, this special event station will be on air from Barcelona, the mobile world capital until 2018.
Ràdio Club Barcelona, EA3RKB, will manage the station, QSL cards via EuroBureauQSL and QSOs for EANET Award.
DBM: Mining Basins Award
The Union des Radio-Clubs, F8URC, member association of
announced the creation of this new diploma starting on January 1, 2015.
Its purpose is to discover and promote, through radio contacts, the mining basins and landscapes declared World Heritage Sites by the UNESCO.
To begin with, those of the Northern Region Pas-de-Calais that are already referenced, but any other can be requested to the management committee.
First QSL cards of EA0JC received and forwarded via EuroBureauQSL
With the last EURAO Newsletter of December, were sent to several hams around the world,
the first QSLs of EA0JC, the callsign of His Majesty the King Juan Carlos.
This achievement is the result of the agreement reached last year between the Royal Household of His Majesty the King and the Federación Digital EA, the member association of EURAO who manages the entry point of EuroBureauQSL for Spain and Andorra.
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