EURAO at X Colloquium of Radio Amateurs in Portugal
"Associations in Europe - EURAO, an experience" was the title of the talk given by
Jose Machado, CT1BAT, president of
Tertúlia Radioamadorística Guglielmo Marconi, CS5TRGM,
in the event organized by the Associação de Radioamadores do Ribatejo, CT1ARR,
which took place last September in Almeirim.
Attendees discussed about this topic and how necessary it is associations work together for a better ham radio. In this article you can find the slide presentation in Portuguese and some pictures of the meeting.
CQ EECE 2014: success, feedback and failures
The first European Emergency Communications Exercise held
on September 27, was attended by hams from: Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Macedonia, Portugal, Romania, Spain, UK, ...
Pretty good for the first time.
Some of them participated only as listeners (SWL), others giving reports and a few sending and receiving messages.
Busy frequencies on 40m band forced QSY. But such is life, sometimes it is necessary to adapt to the circumstances and with skills of experienced operators, QRM is not an obstacle.
YEM 2015: Young European Radio Amateurs Meeting in France
Another of the projects discussed by EURAO
members at Friedrichshafen, is on its way to be carried out next year with the support of
several associations.
Participants involved will be young people (18-30 years), radio amateurs or not, but interested in our hobby, coming from Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, ...
The Meeting will take place on July, 11-19, 2015, in a castle of the Breton coast. Examples of planned activities are: building the own station, activating an island, a lighthouse, ... but also cultural visits, kayak, ...