First anniversary of EURAO Newsletter
We started in September 2012 with this very simple means of communication: just a sheet of paper, both sides, sent quarterly to our members, friends and supporters.
EURAO Newsletter is in two (really three) formats: web and pdf, which is printed and sent by mail to individual members and clubs&groups. The others are informed by email when every issue comes out. Thanks for the attention and news.
CISAR: Members' Annual Assembly 2013
Centro Italiano di Sperimentazione ed Attività Radiantistiche will hold its Assembly and Meeting
on 28-29 September in Fano (PU).
As usual, the event will be broadcast live on its TV channel: Meeting on Saturday afternoon and Assembly on Sunday morning. Good chance to practice Italian.
8th European Radioorienteering Championship 2013
On October 4-6, convoked by European Radio Sport Federation and organized by
Lithuanian Radio Sports Federation, this event will take place in beautifully arranged landscape reserve of
Bir¨tonas/Prienai, 40 km south from Kaunas (Lithuania).
All sportmen of any country, city, sport organization, etc., are invited to participate. Contact details: kregzde.algis@gmail.com; +37037300779; LRSF, P.O.Box 210, Kaunas LT-44003, Lithuania.
VRA Activity Day 2013
In occassion of its 15th anniversary, Vlaamse RadioAmateurs, ON4VRA, our member association in Flanders (Belgium), will hold
this contest on Saturday October 19 (from 17:00 to 19:00 UTC) in the following bands: 80m, 2m and 70cm; and in all modes.
Although the contest has, of course, a real classification, the main goal of the event is to promote activity and fun among radio amateurs.
Coimbra Radio Fair 2013
Tertúlia Radioamadorística Guglielmo Marconi, CS5TRGM, held the 19th edition of this event on Sunday
November 3.
There you can purchase, sale or exchange with other OMs/YLs or shops. But the most important is meeting and socializing with people coming from all over Portugal even Spain. Come with your family and visit the beautiful city of Coimbra. We await you!