

the EURAO's QSL Bureaus Global Network

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How to reply or get a QSL via EuroBureauQSL

How to get a QSL from EuroBureauQSL

If you received a notice by email that you have a QSL in EuroBureauQSL, you can get it by simply sending a SASE to the postal address of the entry point in your country, which will forward by return mail to you.

Have a look at its website (link below), if that entry point has special conditions for members or supporters, perhaps you might be interested in.

Seize the shipping of your SASE to send your replying QSL to the other ham.

How to reply a QSL via EuroBureauQSL

If someone requests your QSL "via EURAO" or "via EuroBureauQSL", or you find in the same instructions as "QSL info", or you wish to get his/her card, it is enough that you proceed in one of the following ways:

  • check in the list below if there is in your own country an entry point to EuroBureauQSL and send your QSL there,

  • otherwise send it to the entry point in the other ham's country.

You needn't to include anything else than your QSL alone (no SAE, no GS, no IRC). If you have more than one QSL to different OMs/YLs, even in different countries, you can send them all together to one of these entry points and they will be distributed accordingly.

Entry points to EuroBureauQSL (in red those which are outgoing only):

  • Belgium: FRA - Jean-Marie T'Jaeckx - Perrebroekstraat 16 - B-9200 Dendermonde [web]
  • Chile: CE3FED - FEDERACHI - P.O. Box 9570 - Santiago 21 [web]
  • Ireland: EI9HQB - Paul Raftery - c/o NRSI - Ballybride - F42 TK49 Roscommon [web]
  • Italy: IW2ETR - Paolo Fiorelli - Via Monsignor Danieli, 34 - 23017 Morbegno, SO [web]
  • Romania: YO9RIJ - Petrica Stolnicu - CP 12, Ghiseul 1, Buzau 7 - RO-120340 Buzau
  • Spain and Andorra: EA3RKF - FEDI-EA - P.O. Box 3050 - E-08200 Sabadell (Barcelona) [web]
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10 years
EURAO 10th anniversary: from idea to practice (2005-2015).
EuroBureauQSL: statistics
  • QSLs: 52778
  • Shipping: 10809
  • Callsigns: 20346
  • Associations: 18
  • Users: 2934
    • EURAO: 2515
    • IARU: 1133
    • Direct: 2681
    • eQSL: 2054
    • LoTW: 1120
    • GlobalQSL: 390
  • Countries: 74
  • Continents: 6
  • Languages: 18